完全に確定したコンセプトをもとに、プログラミングにより音響心理に基づき音を構築する電子音響作家。staalplaat(アムステルダム)、V2_Archive(ロッテルダム)、SELEKTION(フランクフルト)、Sonoris(ボルドー)、Digital Narcis(大阪)、Room40(オーストラリア)など国内外の数々のノイズ・電子音楽の老舗レーベルより作品をリリース。




Kozo Inada is an ultra-minimalist sound artist. He creates acoustic spaces where each occurrence comes in a form of an ambient environment and where any content becomes the containing.

In his compositions Inada explores the functions of austere minimalism and spatiotemporal irregularity. By use of software programs for editing field recordings he produces compositions that are characterized by dispersed, quiet sounds that vanish unexpectedly and reoccur in dense yet organic layers.

Inada worked with various labels among which are Digital Narcis, Room40, Sonoris and Staalplaat and co-produced compositions with artists such as Phillip Samartzis and Christophe Charles.

Contact :snd@jp.org